Although each woman is different in their own unique ways, studies show that, there are many common factors which may increase men’s rate of attraction to women. Each man appeals to women differently but there are certain things that will increase a man’s attraction rate to women. This article discusses these factors with the hope of helping you understand things you need to know or do to look more attractive to women
How Confident are you?
Do you know that women prefer men who are very confident of themselves to those who are always unsure of things. Uncertainty in men increases the burden to women who may feel that they, in the final analysis are the ones to figure things out on their own most of the time. Self confidence is a factor that appeals to women, and if you are not so sure of yourself and your abilities you can learn how to become more confident.
Are you a positive and optimistic person?
This is one great quality in men that women prefer. Negativity breeds bad environment and decreases happiness. Always take a positive and optimistic view of things, such approach can be very reassuring to your partner, that all things will just be fine, and that the future will bring good and positive things.
Are you a good listener?
If you are not a good listener, you need to be. Most studies show that women do not want to be around a partner who will not listen to them. This is a big problem for a lot of men. They tend to listen less and always spend little time holding conversations with their partner. You will definitely increase attraction and bonding with your partner if she knows that you will listen to hear her views and understand her feelings.

How good is your dressing habits?
Women are generally attracted to well dressed men than those who are not. By saying that, it should not be misunderstood to mean wearing the best and most expensive suits. It does not mean that. All it means is that whatever a man wears should fit well and look nice and presentable, perhaps with good matching colors. One study conducted by the University of Rochester in New York suggests that women think that men are more sexually attractive to them when they are dressed in red.
Do you smell good?
Well you should know that women don’t like odor particularly the stale odor from male sweat. Women are attracted to male pheromones which although is odorless but could easily be picked up by the woman’s advanced sense of smell. It does not hurt for you to try good quality and mild cologne. It could be another issue if your cologne is too strong, then it becomes another issue.
What about your manners
Do you have good manners? How nicely do you treat your partner? Do you open doors for them? Pull out chairs for them to seat? Do you touch and admire her at times? Are you romantic? Studies show that that these things matter to them. Women are also attracted to men who show respect to them and others. You should also form the habit of respecting your partner’s opinion even when they differ from yours.